Together for a Better Tomorrow
In late September Dan had been signed by O. Kabre, a former classmate at UW-Madison, to be the newly recruited communication and marketing director for the non-profit organization "Leading Change." When Mr. Kabre learned about Dan's universal skills, in particular after Dan finished designing the official logo of the organization, he wanted to have Dan as one of his directors. "It was pretty cool that Ousmane asked me to become a part of this endeavor, I truly believe in the concept of Leading Change, what it stands for, and what it wants to achieve, that I will do all I can to help out with my expertise and get this show on the road and create and lead change in Burkina Faso, Africa. We just roll Like our motto, together for a better tomorrow." Dan is now responsible for the marketing concepts and campaigns as well as all web development and visual arts. In November 2014 the first fundraiser is set in Madison, Wisconsin, where Dan intends to return in mid-2015.