Momentum to Go On: The 2013 Potion
The sequel “Momentum to Go On” builds on the initial blog of the series textually, as it intends to highlight significant traits, such as perseverance, passion, ambition, and belief in oneself, as it further focuses on finishing, an important ability that is mandatory in order to achieve success. Dan focuses in various posts on the process, the act of finishing, for it marks an entity that many people understate. It is, as the blog points out, easier to get an impulse and get things started, to eventually get on the road to success, but many, as a result of discourage of the lack of heart, fall short on their path, which exposes the ability to persevere and ultimately finish as a ‘game changer’ to be successful at last.
Another main subject of the blog is the acceptance of success and the ability to not let success of any kind get to one’s head. A real successful person is, in that sense, in no need to boast or get corrupted by fame, because a person of ambitious heart finds fulfillment in the acts of going for his or her dreams as well as finishing this process. The process of becoming successful is therefore a process indeed, in which the ambitious person juxtaposes the stage of having an idea (or a dream) and the outcome, the result in order to evaluate the path itself and grasp more inspiration for future endeavors. The act of being successful embodies, thus, a cycle in which tremendous things are possible, as long as its initiator remains on his or her path and stays focused.
The sequel picks up the foundation of the 2012 topics and further interprets them in their complexities, while it also introduces novel concepts of approaching the ambitious path. The blog contains more and more personal experiences in order to provide a deep and essential message based on real life experiences, instead of demanding the appliance of ‘far fetched’ principles of an inspiring nature. Enjoy the sequel and prepare to take it to the next level; and prepare to go on.